A Blog devoted to questioning the paranormal as well as listening to other's opinions and experiences with the paranormal. Mostly will concentrate on ghosts and other entities, but may touch on crytozoology and other paranormal topics. Concerning FTC regs on compensation for banner ads, have made $0.00 and $1.59 on hold for Google Adsense ads, not a lawyer, can't afford one, so don't know what to put.


April 8, 2009

Well, A New Ghost Hunters Episode Tonight

Tonight, Jay and Grant and the rest of the TAPS crew check out Belcourt Castle, located in Newport, Rhode Island, in a two-part show. This usually means they don't see much, despite all the hype put on the ads. They also check out a Somerville, Mass. bowling alley, described as old-time. I wonder if it's one of those candlepin type bowling alleys, if I remember right, that's what they are called and popular in the Northeast US. I will end up watching it tomorrow as my disability usually puts me to sleep fairly early. I will try to comment on this episode then.

Also, as usual, there are a bunch of repeat episodes tonight with the new show sandwiched between them. It can give some of the new audience a chance to catch up, I can't remember which episodes have been edited since their original airing, but I shall try to research and find out if i have the energy and time.

Also a new episode of UFO Hunters on the History Channel tonight as well, looking into Alien underwater bases, for those interested in UFO's. With the distance between the stars and Einstein's theory of Relativity saying you cannot go faster than the speed of light, I find it a little hard to believe in UFO's. No doubt people are seeing something, there are too many credible witnesses to say they are all hoaxes. Classified military activity maybe, I don't know on this one. But another theory is tectonic activity, which as an example, may produce phenomenon akin to lightning in a thunderstorm, but on a geological level. This theory is very tough to explain, but sightings near volcanoes may be a result of this.

And also on paranormal Wednesday, a couple of repeat MonsterQuest episodes are on tonight on the History Channel as well, exploring the possiblility that the Loch Ness Monster DID exist, but has died...as well as maybe the possibility a form of Megalodon (The giant prehistoric shark similiar to the Great White, but much larger, may still exist). MonsterQuest can be interesting at times, at one time having an episode about the Humbolt Squid in the waters of the Sea of Cortez (between Baja California and the Mexican mainland, these squid ARE quite aggressive and may be responsible for deaths of fishermen (Called the Red Devil by local fishermen). They can have mantles like 3 feet long along with a large sharp beak, and like the Giant and Colossal Squid, very sharp hooks lining their suckers, making escape very difficult. If you are checking out MonsterQuest re-runs, I would recommend this episode. At least I hope it was on MonsterQuest!

Anyway, happy viewing! And if you wish to watch all of these, I hope you have a dvr.

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  1. I also saw the UFO Hunter show that featured underwater UFO bases. They were making a case for a base being in Cuba. I found this to be highly unlikely.

    If an underwater UFO base did actually exist, it would represent an absolute wealth of information and technology. Far more advanced than anything seen on Earth. Does anyone believe that the US Military would just stand around and admire it from afar and "wish" that it was on US soil? Um, not so much.

    An underwater UFO base in Cuba would represent an immediate National threat. If the US Military confirmed that the base indeed did exist at 12:00pm then the invasion force into Cuba would start at 12:05pm. In no way, shape, or form would the US Military allow Cuba to have an underwater UFO base.

    The fact that Cuba still exists is your proof that the base doesn't exist. :)

  2. I have to agree with this totally. Not only a wealth of information and technology, but just plain a wealth of money! How to explain this in the budget? (If we were involved), as for any type base near Cuba, that wouldn't fly, I agree, the former Eastern Bloc doesn't have the pull with it's local skirmishes, Chechnya and other regions wanting out of the Russian Alliance, to do anything should the US take care of business at it's doorstep.
    Also the fact that an object would be going from so many mph and hit the water, there is no dampening field that would take away the g-forces involved to those inside said air/watercraft, sure the craft may make it, but the occupants would be smears on the walls. It would be like slamming into steel. I go with the phosphoresence explanation and natural geological formations. Such formations of straight rock was supposed carved rock off of Bimini, I believe, and brought forth a whole bunch of Atlantis groupies, turned out to be natural, if crystal structure wasn't understood, Devil's Tower would be alien as well, with the hexagonal granite formation of the left over lava tube from a long eroded volcano. I think the Bimini rock formations first appeared on an episode of "In Search Of".


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