A Blog devoted to questioning the paranormal as well as listening to other's opinions and experiences with the paranormal. Mostly will concentrate on ghosts and other entities, but may touch on crytozoology and other paranormal topics. Concerning FTC regs on compensation for banner ads, have made $0.00 and $1.59 on hold for Google Adsense ads, not a lawyer, can't afford one, so don't know what to put.


April 15, 2009

Sorry late on this, been very busy, then ill...ugh.

Okay, on the new GhostHunters last week, the second part of the episode was as I thought, a whole bunch of nothing, but you can't expect to see paranormal activity at every place you go investigate. That's another thing that bothers me, a GhostHunters episode with all debunking (what happened to debunking? Still strong on GHI.) As well as I brought up before, I wonder how many people are calling them with kids "in danger or scared" usually the number one criteria of their investigations, those seem to have disappeared as well. The second part of the episode was indeed candlepin bowling, old machines making noise and the "EMF" hyper-sensitivity the explanation, oh yeah, and a breathing toilet! I guess I can count some debunking here.
Now, concerning Belcourt Castle, there was some unexplained activity according to their instruments...first being the heat source on/under the floor. Note that the FLIR device was set at 60 degrees white hot, 45 degrees black cold. Not much of a spectrum...15 degrees, their assertation that an animal (ie mouse) couldn't have been between the floorboards..kind of looked like a mouse moving around to me, and when it went under the door jamb to the next room, it disappeared, moving further away from the FLIR and also having the door as an extra shield to it's temperature. Most likely a mouse had it's nest there, was nice and warm, then Jason comes clumping along and of course it takes off, leaving a colder trail. With that close of a spectrum setting, it seems to me a couple of degrees meaning the difference between Red and Yellow, it's not far fetched to speculate a mouse. Just as it is to speculate a footprint.
Not much else happened except of course the eternal walking sounds. But as we cannot see where everyone is with a timestamp (not doctored of course), including crew, we cannot consider this evidence. Now, what happened to never investigating alone? Guys got chewed out for this, yet Jason shoos Grant out of the room to talk to the spirit alone. Now Grant is out of sight when the K2 meter goes off to "tell" Jason to get the heck out. Now wouldn't staying in there be provocation? One of their tactics? But I think Jason knew this guy, and felt their was a man to spirit connection there.
As for the rest of the show, I mentioned above, and at Belcourt, nothing really of consequence happened, except for a swinging chandelier, which was explained by the ladies upstairs (now I always thought that teams went in alone...hmn) but at least they fessed up to causing the ruckus.

One of the reruns was the good old first Eastern State Penitentiary episode, it was indeed funny to see the "Dude, Run!" again, and of course, to see these guys buy into the idea that what they saw was a spirit manifesting and Brian making a mockery of really showing how fast someone could move on that railing. You obviously see a leg, shoe and arm under that veil, I say veil, not black blanket. A veil would have the same effect (and you see this same thing in a later rerun where the guy is desperately hoping nothing supernatural is there, but yet a veiled person, you see the separation of the legs as he walks out a few steps and back), and why do these ghosts always go halfway out, then back? Is this in the Ghost Union book, as well as duck walking behind pool tables in your veil making sure NOT to go past the end, which would of course show the silliness of a duck-walking ghost. If these are residual haunts, what would they care? If they are intelligent, what would they care? This ghost pattern on GhostHunters has me baffled, that's more of a mystery than the ghosts. If they are going to show themselves, why not the full monty?

Naturally, Jason and Grant are pressured to come up with something on each episode. But ghost hunting doesn't work like that, many times you come up empty handed before actually having something significant happen. Yet these guys come up with something in every episode. That's got to be a record. But yet again, we have to remember it's the Science-Fiction channel. At least A&E, now doing Paranormal State, has the disclaimer at the beginning of the show. So I guess this means, hey watch this show with the same belief as "Dead Like Me" and "Battlestar Galactica".

Anyway, the boys investigate a museum/aquarium holding some of the relics of the Titanic, now I'm one of those guys that believe the tomb shouldn't have been messed with, but with the chance of the almighty dollsr supposedly in a safe..I'm glad it turned out like Al Capone's vault. This should have been declared off-limits and a mounument. Oh well. Even with public outrage, it was done anyway, yes, it's one thing to find it and film it...but to dig around in it...that was too much. It's just plain desecrating a grave site. If there is supernatural activity at this place, I could see why they were disturbed.

I will try to comment on one of the last Paranormal State's I saw, later, as well as Ghost Hunters, sooner this time I hope! Ah, I also just got a cheaper HDTV just a 720p but it's nice so far and I hope I can glean more details out of these shows. I missed the last Most Haunted because of that...figuring out all those dang wires. But then, what was I really missing, just more rock throwing. Although that mist was intriguing the week before last.

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