A Blog devoted to questioning the paranormal as well as listening to other's opinions and experiences with the paranormal. Mostly will concentrate on ghosts and other entities, but may touch on crytozoology and other paranormal topics. Concerning FTC regs on compensation for banner ads, have made $0.00 and $1.59 on hold for Google Adsense ads, not a lawyer, can't afford one, so don't know what to put.


October 27, 2009

Re: Japanese blinking dog shirt...hoax.

There's a video clip on youtube (I will post the link so you can judge for yourself), which alledges to show a sweat shirt a guy was wearing, that had a cartoon dog picture on it apparently blinks. I say on the comments that after I watch it and pause on the blink, you can see where the eyes have been airbrushed during the blink, which was just a quick animation of the eyes. There was a comment after that which stated, "Oh it was on TV, it couldn't be fake"..yeah, and the dinosaurs on Jurassic Park really exist. They also state you can't see any alteration of the eyes, I just made a screen capture of the video at that point, you can clearly see where the two eyes have been altered. But will this convince that person? I doubt it, as I've said before, people so want to believe in the paranormal, they will even believe something as silly as a cartoon dog blinking on a video. Sure, it's a fun video, but is it real? No. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUDravpPno4&feature=email   Look for yourself, play it at full screen, pause during the blink as I have, you can clearly see the alteration.  People want to get a sick kick out of making other people believe in their hoaxes, I can name a few guys who specialize in this activity.  But here's the proof, fake as a 13 dollar bill.

October 19, 2009

Extreme Paranormal to air Tonight on A&E

Well, it looks like yet another paranormal show has been thrown into the mix with Extreme Paranormal airing on A&E tonight. It's another in several new shows to cram the airways with paranormal themes, joining Ghost Lab, Celebrity Ghost Stories, Ghost Hunters Academy to name a few. It's like everyone is joining the bandwagon on the paranormal. Yet another television trend like westerns, then detective shows, the age of comedies II (1970'S), the Night time Soaps, the Family show genre like Family Ties and The Cosby Show, then Reality Game Shows recently, the Million Dollar Night Time Game Show, Criminal Science and now Paranormal joining the likes of Ghost Whisperer, Medium to the Paranormal Docu-Soap Ghost Hunters and the ilk. We shall see if it's yet another "try to fool them for the cash" type show or will we finally ever get a skeptical Ghost Hunting show? We now know that Ghost Hunters wasn't was the type of show it was made up to be. I'm talking a real, for darn sure, skeptical bunch like Scooby and the Gang to go and pull the sheet off of whoever was under it at the Eastern State Penitentiary. Heck, we can see the leg and shoe, why would a ghost be under a sheet anyway? Even a black, silk type? I guess I'm a glutton for punishment, I have the DVR set to record the darn thing. At least it's only set for 2 episodes (for now, but if they get a decent audience, who knows, yet another series?).

For those interested in a synopsis, go to www.a&e.com, look under shows for extreme paranormal. If interesting, I may comment on it tomorrow.

October 11, 2009

Please vote

At the right you will find a poll on whether or not you believe in ghosts, please take a little time to voice your opinion. Even though I'm a skeptic, we all should be skeptical of what we see on television of course, including the "Docu-Soap" Ghost Hunters, who appear to be number one on the list of controversial shows. Many things over the years on the show have caused many to question the validity of the show. The fact that it was changed from Documentary to Docu-Soap does say a lot. I also wonder why they haven't rushed to claim the $1,000,000 prize of proof of the paranormal put up by the Amazing Randi. Seems if I had proof, I would run to claim my prize!

Now we have Ghost Hunters: Academy to look forward to viewing and check out what Steve Gonsalves and Dave Tango have to offer the paranormal community with college students joining the hunt. I read it was set for 6 episodes, I guess to see how it goes..usual for new shows to check out if they will click with the viewers. Ghost Hunters has passed 100 episodes and now is in syndication, viewable on other channels than Sy Fy. So maybe Jason and Grant will call it quits while somewhat ahead. It seems every year there comes a new problem with their evidence. At the moment, it's the window question in the Meatloaf episode, could the water bottle have been moved from outside by someone removing the storm window and lifting up the inside window and move the bottle from sink to toilet? The fact that the inside window was up when it was down when the bottle was placed on the sink and up when it was discovered on the toilet, does say something is wrong, it seems there is no reason for that window to be up. I can only guess whoever moved the bottle forgot to put the window down when replacing the storm window. You can find video of this on YouTube and decide for yourself.

New newslink

I've added a link to the Television Shows part of the Forum at TheSkepticalViewer.com website.  This is a great site for debate on paranormal shows and whether or not the show portrays real paranormal evidence.  NOTE: The discussions here and on the main blog are to be civil and respectful for the other's beliefs.  Just because one of us may find something fishy and voice our opinion about it, we don't want to force views on other people, but just show alternative explanations or a good debunk, or even agreeing on some surprising things some of us may have seen.  There is also a forum topic for adding your own paranormal event.  I would also invite anyone to submit their paranormal experiences here as well.  Your post will be checked to see if it's suitable for all viewers before being added to blog.  Want to make sure the site stays child friendly.

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