A Blog devoted to questioning the paranormal as well as listening to other's opinions and experiences with the paranormal. Mostly will concentrate on ghosts and other entities, but may touch on crytozoology and other paranormal topics. Concerning FTC regs on compensation for banner ads, have made $0.00 and $1.59 on hold for Google Adsense ads, not a lawyer, can't afford one, so don't know what to put.


September 27, 2009

Fav College team

following KU as long as in polls in Football and of course Basketball!!

September 26, 2009

Panama Creature Update

It would seem there is yet to be forthcoming evidence on the "Panama Monster".  However, it seems that many people seem to think it's a sloth.  I thought of this as well, with the head shape and all, but at first, I didn't notice the shots of the feet of the creature and yes, there appear to be three claws, which would put it in the 3 toed sloth variety.

As to whether or not these teenagers actually killed it, I don't know, it has no hair, it's tongue is swollen in decomposition, there don't appear to be any eyelids and it does have nipples which makes it a mammal.  Could it be that the sloth is actually a sloth fetus?  I don't know, the body apparently was never recovered, so there goes our dna tests, as well, on Wikipedia, in the Montauk Monster article, another animal decayed found on a beach a year previous, and just as conveniently, body missing, is claimed to be a crytpzoological find, it was mentioned (with citation needed) that several biologists identified it as a sloth.  As to how it's hair is missing, they didn't know and did say that there did appear to be some hair on the body in some areas.

 A major conjecture I saw was that the sloth drowned and since their bodies are covered with hair that has algae growth on it, it may have been picked at by fish, I know, kind of far out there.  But it's feet to appear to be consistant with that of a sloth as well as the shape of it's head.  It's tongue just may be swollen out of proportion from decay and as well, modifications to the body may have been made.  It all seems kind of convenient that the body is gone now doesn't it?  Same with the supposed Montauk Monster...

 Although the recent poisoning of a creature which is now frozen in a taxidermists shop, which was claimed to be a Chupacabra, that appears to me just to be a dog or dog/coyote crossbreed with the mange, a condition that causes hair to fall out, however, there is a body to do dna testing on it.  If it's allowed, I will give the taxidermist some credit, if not, he's in it for the bucks or 5 minutes of fame...I only say 5, because internet fame is much more fleeting.  Remember, CNN in their video said they would keep tabs on the Panama Creature story, but after the initial report. Nothing.

 I used to be much more interested in cryptozoology as a teenager, soaking up Bigfoot and Loch-Ness Monster reports, as well as UFO's.  However, cryptozoology has fallen a rung or two, with old myths solved as hoaxes and new creatures found under skeptical circumstances.  I guess Destination Truth will have to carry the torch for this subject and if I see something of interest, I might follow up on it.  As for it's recent "Swamp Ape" episode, I had been reading about it since those old days in the late 70's (for me), Missouri's version...etc.  We even had sightings in Northern South Dakota back then, everyone wanted in on the Bigfoot action.  If anything comes of this Panama Monster business, I will post an update. Til then...think sloth, think sloth, think sloth, think sloth....sorry, had to mess with you a bit, hopefully, you don't read aloud!

September 24, 2009

It appears the MacNeil House Ghost Hunter episode is still active..

I recieved this in my e-mail, it appears the MacNeil House Ghost Hunters controversy is still rippling through the paranormal community. Scifake.com will be posting an interview with Mr. MacNeil today, when it will be posted, I'm not sure, it may already be up.

Confirmed: Tomorrow, an exclusive interview with a TAPS (Syfi GH) disgruntled client Leigh Macneil! MacNeil House episode!

Late last night we had the pleasure to speak to Leigh Macneil. You may remember Leigh from last week's Ghost Hunters episode titled the MacNeil House. Last night's conversation was not an interview; however, it was more like a "get to know you" rendezvous and the conversation was always friendly. We joked about family, neighbors and or course we poked fun at TAPS. Not on personal level; however, we both did agree unequivocally the show is becoming more humorous and a parallel demonstration of absolute buffoonery due to the allegations of fakery and deceit. In addition, I was surprised to learn Leigh is not a fan of GH and it was they who contacted him! Because of Leigh's tone (demeanor), I was harvesting the impression Leigh was angry about issues involving allegations of trickery (the clock) and misleading information. I told him I was not surprised since I have heard many of the horror stories involving Pilgrim Films, SyFy and TAPS (e.g., publicizing client personal information and faking evidence to pacify advertisers ). The interview will be published tomorrow since we want to give Leigh an opportunity to be thorough with the answers. In the meantime, watch the episode and you can decide. Oh, one last comment and then we'll watch the episode. Pay close attention to Leigh's lovely wife Renee as she explains to the team (during the tour) about the clock. She clearly states the clock mysteriously activated at 3 AM twice; however, during the investigation the clock is magically activated at 2 AM. Did the team screw up and set the wrong time?

Link To Post: http://scifake.com/?p=1906

Link to Site: http://scifake.com/

September 19, 2009

A very funny site I wish I had found earlier for the paranormal skeptic

After finding a page where "disillusioned" clients of Ghost Hunters, I guess I can't really call them clients, since I found out they the homeowner is contacted by Pilgrim, the producing company, contacts THEM, not they contacting Ghost Hunters as depicted in the show.

This site contains some play by play of some episodes as they were watched by a person or persons who make some quite hilarious commentary to the episode. You have to read them to see, kind of hsrd to explain, like why Jay and Grant keep trying to pull fast ones over us.

It is http://theouijaboard.wordpress.com/

I will also put a link on the link list, but as far as I got reading tonight, it is a bit old, late 2008, will read more tomorrow, but appeared the more disillusioned they got, the less they wanted to watch. The main page has "collar-gate" debunks on it, didn't see much newer, but the old posts were a riot to read.

Wow, what the heck is it??

A creature found in Panama City, Panama has people baffled for the moment, it may be a fetus of some sort, but there is a lot of speculation as to what it is. DNA tests will have to be done, it may be a mutated fetus of a normal animal, suffering from deformities, but was allegedly alive at the time of it's discovery by 4 teenagers, who threw rocks at it. Time will tell, will try to keep up to date on this one!

September 18, 2009

Ghost Hunters Union County Courthouse

I just have to say that Jay and Grant totally mistated the fact that there was no exit for the apparent "ghost" to get through. If you look closely, there are two colums in the bookshelves on the left of the screen. Right after the second column, there is an aisle where someone could go...I watched the footage over and it appears the "ghost" made that turn right before it reached the second column, through the aisle that went to another row of bookshelves. I find it odd that they would state such a thing when it's right in front of our noses.

Also, they stated that the "ghost" appeared to be female, when in both my and my Mother's opinion, we both thought it was a man. We are watching in HDTV on a pretty large screen, so again, to say something like that when it's totally subjective, is pushing it a bit. When something like that, which is far back away from the camera, to say this and that about it, when you cannot back up for fact that it is, totally leads the viewers and probably the "clients" into believing what they want you to believe.

But after looking again and again, there IS a place for the "ghost" to exit the scene, right after the second white column on the left for the viewer, and the image sure does look like to me, that it turns right, our left, into that access aisle. There also is a portable podium there, although you cannot see this in the night footage, you CAN see the second column.

But as many of you probably don't know, they really aren't plumbers as well. This was even stated by Roto-Rooter, that they are not employees of Roto-Rooter in Rhode Island. Jason does have a one year apprentice license, but Grant doesn't even have that. And don't you think you would want licensed plumbers working on your pipes? Especially when installing devices that may use natural gas to heat water? Or how about properly installing vent pipes? I mean, all the home renovation shows I've seen, contract out licensed plumbers to do the pipework and install hot tubs and such, I wouldn't want to be electricuted by an improperly grounded hot tub!

So let's get real, and remember, although it's now Scy-Fy...it was the Science-FICTION channel.

September 14, 2009

Latest Ghost Hunter Episodes

I just have to say that the latest Ghost Hunter episodes have been very disappointing, especially the Samuel Mudd House episode. This so called "spectre" was totally someone out of position or in my OPINION, someone trying to get away with something, now WHO, is to be debated.

Jason and Grant, even in the following week, "chased" the sounds and noises they heard or the images they saw off camera. But when this huge anomoly goes across their FLIR camera, they fiddle around rewinding the thing, Jason claims to have scanned left a good distance...no not really, you can still see the light in the background, then goes back, and a bit later goes about 45 degrees to the left.

Why didn't they chase the thing? The natural human response when seeing something like that, and you have been chasing ghosts for years and years, would be to run after it!! Yet they were totally blase about the whole thing, rewinding the camera to look at the image and just rant on how amazing it is.

They said they couldn't see or hear the "apparition" but the crew cameraman was well behind Jason and Grant to the point where the "apparition" would be out of range of it's IR ability. We have Jason leading the way, Grant well behind him and the crew cameraman well behind Grant. It was obviously a SOLID object, because the FLIR device cannot measure air temperature between objects, it can only measure the temperature of the solid objects that reflect heat (Even though something is cold, it is still emitting heat, the only way it couldn't, would be to be at absolute zero, when movement of atoms stop. It's this movement of atoms that cause heat. The faster they move, the more heat they emit).

But very seldom does the Ghost Hunters crew mention that the FLIR device catches only heat or reflected heat from solid objects only. But they have mentioned it a few times. So if a client chooses to believe that the object is a ghost possibly wearing an old time bonnet and is vaporous, they never say "Oh no, it has to be a solid object for the device to see it" bringing questions into the client's mind, "well, how can a ghost be solid, if it's just energy?" That would probably not be aired on the episode. Anyway, these "apparitions" they catch with the FLIR device, even the one dancing a jig at Ft. Mifflin I believe, all have to be solid objects, ie. people. Like why would a ghost peek around the corner? After it just came out and danced a jig? If it came out to dance a jig, it's obviously not afraid to show itself, so why peek around the corner? Bah.

I also have to question EMF devices. This is a bunch of hoo-hah. I went and got an MRI, (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) which produces a magnetic field that would probably fry the EMF devices they carry, the technician told me it produces into the thousands of gauss, while these EMF detectors measure milligauss. It also would be the ultimate fear cage, would it not? Yet the only thing that really bothers people is the claustrophobia. The confined space. There is no sign that says you might experience "itching, paranoia, feelings of being watched or dread, or even hallucinations" and you are in this field up to and over a half hour. Yet this EMF claim says that some people experience it immediately if not over some time. But yet we have to remember that this is just a very small emf compared to the emf the MRI device makes, remember, this thing uses so much magnetic energy to see our muscles and tendons and soft tissue unlike x-rays. The technician I talked to also said no one experienced those effects, except for those with masses on the brain or brain injuries who might have hallucinations due to the injury. How many of you out there have had an mri? See any ghosts? If EM Fields also help ghosts manifest, you would thinks they would all be sitting around an MRI device like those waiting for Whoopi Goldberg in "Ghost"!

If this new show coming out, Ghost Lab, uses EMF devices, I might have to question that as well. They are claiming to come out and do the most scientific evaluations of ghost hot spots. I do like the fact that the GHI team does use a camera that also utilizes the ultra-violet spectrum instead of just the infra-red (heat). Remember that the ultra-violet and infra-red are just a very small part of the radiation field, which also contain x-rays and gamma rays as well. Just different wavelengths of radiation. Gamma rays being the most destructive. There are also alpha and beta rays. Forms of radiation not quite as powerful as Gamma rays, but will kill you if exposed enough. It's hard to remember that light is just a part of this radiation spectrum, including infra-red and ultra-violet, we just cannot see them. Infra-red will burn you if too close to a campfire, ultra-violet will burn you if out in the sun too long and no sunblock on you. Anyway, you can get better information on radiation, which light is a part of, on wikipedia or elsewhere on the web. As for the MRI, read up on this, the only possible skin irritation may come from older style tattoos with a lot of iron oxide (red) used in them. At any rate, I think my rant is done for the day...and as you can see, been neglecting this blog for a bit, just a lot of health problems and such, but the latest GH episodes just made me want to speak out, and thinking about the MRI that I had compared to EMF detectors.

Discovery Channel Tackles Unexplained Phenomena With All-New Series GHOST LAB to Premiere This Fall : Discovery Press Web

Discovery Channel Tackles Unexplained Phenomena With All-New Series GHOST LAB to Premiere This Fall : Discovery Press Web

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