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September 26, 2009

Panama Creature Update

It would seem there is yet to be forthcoming evidence on the "Panama Monster".  However, it seems that many people seem to think it's a sloth.  I thought of this as well, with the head shape and all, but at first, I didn't notice the shots of the feet of the creature and yes, there appear to be three claws, which would put it in the 3 toed sloth variety.

As to whether or not these teenagers actually killed it, I don't know, it has no hair, it's tongue is swollen in decomposition, there don't appear to be any eyelids and it does have nipples which makes it a mammal.  Could it be that the sloth is actually a sloth fetus?  I don't know, the body apparently was never recovered, so there goes our dna tests, as well, on Wikipedia, in the Montauk Monster article, another animal decayed found on a beach a year previous, and just as conveniently, body missing, is claimed to be a crytpzoological find, it was mentioned (with citation needed) that several biologists identified it as a sloth.  As to how it's hair is missing, they didn't know and did say that there did appear to be some hair on the body in some areas.

 A major conjecture I saw was that the sloth drowned and since their bodies are covered with hair that has algae growth on it, it may have been picked at by fish, I know, kind of far out there.  But it's feet to appear to be consistant with that of a sloth as well as the shape of it's head.  It's tongue just may be swollen out of proportion from decay and as well, modifications to the body may have been made.  It all seems kind of convenient that the body is gone now doesn't it?  Same with the supposed Montauk Monster...

 Although the recent poisoning of a creature which is now frozen in a taxidermists shop, which was claimed to be a Chupacabra, that appears to me just to be a dog or dog/coyote crossbreed with the mange, a condition that causes hair to fall out, however, there is a body to do dna testing on it.  If it's allowed, I will give the taxidermist some credit, if not, he's in it for the bucks or 5 minutes of fame...I only say 5, because internet fame is much more fleeting.  Remember, CNN in their video said they would keep tabs on the Panama Creature story, but after the initial report. Nothing.

 I used to be much more interested in cryptozoology as a teenager, soaking up Bigfoot and Loch-Ness Monster reports, as well as UFO's.  However, cryptozoology has fallen a rung or two, with old myths solved as hoaxes and new creatures found under skeptical circumstances.  I guess Destination Truth will have to carry the torch for this subject and if I see something of interest, I might follow up on it.  As for it's recent "Swamp Ape" episode, I had been reading about it since those old days in the late 70's (for me), Missouri's version...etc.  We even had sightings in Northern South Dakota back then, everyone wanted in on the Bigfoot action.  If anything comes of this Panama Monster business, I will post an update. Til then...think sloth, think sloth, think sloth, think sloth....sorry, had to mess with you a bit, hopefully, you don't read aloud!

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