A Blog devoted to questioning the paranormal as well as listening to other's opinions and experiences with the paranormal. Mostly will concentrate on ghosts and other entities, but may touch on crytozoology and other paranormal topics. Concerning FTC regs on compensation for banner ads, have made $0.00 and $1.59 on hold for Google Adsense ads, not a lawyer, can't afford one, so don't know what to put.


April 29, 2009

Paranormal State: The Tillie Pierce House

The last Paranormal State I watched, far more interesting than the GH self-plug of their own "Ghost" Hotel or Inn, was of the Gettysburg, PA Tillie Pierce House. This house saw action in the Battle of Gettysburg as a "field hospital" kind of a M.A.S.H unit in the most basic of ways considering it was almost 100 years before the Korean War, amputations without anesthetic was common, Doctors trying to amputate limbs in seconds to minutes to keep up with the battle wounds and just to make it as quick on the patient as possible. We've seen pictures of the battlefield and all the bodies, although we cannot take all the pictures at face value, there was a photographer who did move bodies to make the sight even more gruesome, not sure if this was Gettysburg or Bull Run, but it did happen.

But the fact does remain, this was a horrific battle, and if anything could leave lingering paranormal activity, this could. But it also makes me ask the question, why don't we hear more about other major battlefields around the world? You would think Okinawa, where the forced suicides of many of it's own civilians by the retreating Japanese Army, which itself had lost over 100,000 soldiers to the Allies (plus the 42,000-142,000 civilians killed by Japanese who forced them to fight, killed for speaking a different dialect or suicide) to the over 12,500+ Allied deaths, would be a prime spot for paranormal investigation. However, the people of Okinawa have different thoughts about the paranormal and messing around with the paranormal, as we saw in a similiar Japanese reluctance to even talk about it in a Destination: Truth episode about the suicides under Mt. Fuji. We have to respect those wishes.

But back to the Tillie Pierce House, this investigation starts out with research on the Tillie Pierce House as well as Tillie Pierce, who was just 15 it turns out when the battle occurred, this is a big burden for such a young lady, she saw things someone her age shouldn't have had to see, but sadly, this happens. Our neighborly psychic Chip Coffey shows up but doesn't seem to have all the usual information that he has when he comes to some places, maybe too many to remember in Gettysburg. Obviously a female being involved is a good guess as it's the Tillie Pierce House and her picture is visible inside the house, the fact that a lot of people died there was a pretty obvious observation as well, but there were no names and such as he usually has. However, I do respect the tone he took in respecting these passes souls.

There were about 3 incidents that happened that may have been paranormal, all do have some possible explanations though. 1. The moaning heard, no mention of the wind is made, although the furnace is checked, sounded strangely like when you blow air over a soda bottle, maybe same effect over a vent pipe? Still pretty creepy, not an EVP as you could hear this as it happened. 2. The door moves behind the big bearded guy, one of the cameramen I believe, but he's a big dude like myself and may have inadvertly bumped it causing it to hit the wall, with guys like us, don't take much of a bump to get it moving and not notice it, he was close enough, but who knows. I don't really like to say someone is pulling something off unless I know THEY know they are pulling something off...like Grant and the moving lamp at Myrtle Plantation. And 3. The mysterious moving soap bottle, the only person who could have possibly done this was again the camera guy. If he did it, he's pretty quick with the hands, it was also done when Ryan yelled "Stop" or "Don't Move!" He then said he thought he possibly saw a shadow person. Now a "shadow person" why is it different than an apparition? Does it appear only on solid surfaces? Or is it just a dark shape in the figure of a person, which would still be an apparition, wouldn't it? Sometimes, all these terms can be confusing, but doesn't mean that after the first couple of episodes we do not need "EVP" and "EMF" explained in detail by the people in the show to fill dead space...a simple caption would do. But apparently, shadow people are different than apparitions or ghosts, wha??? See what I mean!

All in all, an interesting episode, as I've said before, I think these guys are the most sincere of the bunch. But as I say that, The Paranormal Research Society of Penn St. is splitting from Ryan and his group, as of course, they have graduated, done Master's thesis' and whatnot and are going to form their new group, still somewhat tied to PRS, but PRS will be a Penn State project still and the new group can go out like the GH and GA groups if the original members so decide. Ryan will of course still be a part of this new group which will be called PRS, LLC. With the Penn St. group being a branch of this new National group. They have already named a new director of the Penn St Group, which will be given some office space at the National PRS Group Office. The new director of the Penn St. group wasn't named on the PRS website at this time. (Source: PRS Website).

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April 24, 2009

Psychic Kids/ Children of the Paranormal, Child exploitation?

To be honest, I haven't seen but about 30-35 minutes of this show. There were 3 children, who all had problems at night seeing things or maybe seeing things, who really knows, but the children? Are they getting caught up in the hype of being on a television show? Some are actually terrified, crying and really afraid when psychic Chip Coffey tries to get them to face their fears. Boy, this guy is everywhere, now I see why he isn't on Paranormal State lately.
If I were the Paranormal State Organization, I would really distance myself from this show. The children may be just seeing things, like we probably all did if we were afraid of the dark, like a coat hanging on the back of a door turns into some sort of scary looking being that causes us to go under the covers.

But if they are sensitive, at this age is it really appropriate to put them through conditions where the other kids can cause hysteria among the group? The episode I saw was called "Night Terrors". When the kids are taken to the ghost town then at night turned loose, to check the place out, by themselves, the oldest being maybe 11 with a little girl around 7 or so, when they approach a rock one sees something, then the others just get scared, the little one starts crying and is totally scared out of her wits, then an older boy says he sees a "dead man" all heck breaks loose.
(Note: after reviewing the 40 minutes I saw of this episode, the kids were 9 and 8 and 8, THERE was a clinical psychologist there, but NOT with the kids when they needed it the most).
After seeing another episode with a 12 and 14 year old, more appropriate to understand what's going on I would think, this is when I found out there was a clinical psychologist available. All the parent's claim they think that the Social System will take their kids away from them if they took them to get checked out, there are many things that cause hallucinations, not necessarily psychological, but medical, I don't know, this show some how doesn't sit right with me, someone is getting paid and I don't think it's the kids.)

The parents and Chip come to the rescue, Chip saying he will take them back out there and go with them, of course they don't want to, until the boy steps forward, remember, he's probably the oldest, the others follow along with their parents. I don't know, this show just hits me in the wrong spot, like they've taken paranormal to the extreme. You have the Ghost Hunters, who, when they were investigating houses and had kids on the top of their list, even now, I don't think they would drag these youngsters into such a place. I had noticed the title of the show being on before, but thought it was like that show about the Russian Teen who could diagnose illnesses just by looking at people with her "X-Ray" eyes. So didn't pay the show any mind. If I had know it was like this, I would have commented earlier, I had just put it on the dvr after it had started before I went to sleep. Is this something we should put children through? Even if they have psychic abilities?

And now, it seems Grant and Jay are more interested in shamelessly advertising their Inn they bought (Guess no more plumbing? All from Ghost Hunter earnings?, oh I imagine until the show ends that Roto-Rooter will have their ad in the show where Kris or someone calls right when they are finishing up, lol!) I mean the went whole hog on this one, calling in the Ghost Hunters International team to check it out. Naturally, there was thumping and evp's and even a claim of a full body apparition (why don't we ever see those on camera?) I'm sure now, when the renovations are complete, which could be any time as there was snow at the time, that the opening night will be packed. Oh, one thing I noticed, again, they always claim to be alone, except for the camera crew when investigating, in the Crescent Hotel episode, there were a couple of people in another room that they caught on FLIR, not mentioned until it's seen during review "if you had only watched 20 more seconds of the video" Steve says. At least they didn't edit it out, but it does show how much contamination happens during their investigations, I wouldn't be surprised it was one of these guys who walked out into a hallway or something, not sure on the episode, did a jig, then later peeked around the corner to see if anyone was around. I can't believe they even put this up as paranormal... Getting carried away here, I guess I just am getting more "numbed" by what these people are doing to make a buck. Scaring kids, sheesh, can you go much more overboard? (back to the main topic). This isn't interesting television, this is just plain exploitation of these poor kids fears, if they are truly psychic, putting them on a television show instead of quiet therapy, just seems wrong. I can't believe that this show was thought up and actually produced. A real shame.

April 17, 2009

Re: Lake Monsters: MonsterQuest

Just a short remark on so called "Lake Monsters". Lake Okanagan, in British Columbia, Canada is supposedly the home of Ogopogo, one of the many "lake monsters" to exist in this world's deep lakes.

During the show, a very sophisticated version of FLIR was used to look for trails left in the waters by even reptilian type creatures. And actually, some "trails" were found. What bothers me, is the description of the currents in such a deep lake, reported as over 200 meters deep, is the layering of different tempuratures of water. The lake is long and narrow, like Loch Ness and has deep drop offs like Loch Ness as well, sheer cliffs carved out by the Ice Age glaciers some 10,000+ years ago.

This same Ice Age also affected Scotland and carved out Loch Ness as well, leaving me to wonder why some people attribute these monsters to be reptilian. Sure, it has been claimed by some that dinosaurs were warm blooded, I doubt very much they could survive at that latitude during an Ice Age. But back to the currents, with such deep lakes different layers of water at different tempuratures tend to form. As like in our atmosphere, this layering is subject to rising and falling of water causing the currents, such as clouds are made. In lakes, however, it would seem that the layers are more stable, if left undisturbed. In the show, the expert on water dynamics showed how the strange wave patterns could be formed if currents passed over lower depths of the lake, back into the deeper depths. If these currents exist, there's the possibility that along the sheer sides of the islands they were inspecting from the air, seeing these trails, could be warmer or colder water rising along the sheer cliffs causing a several degree temperature change.

Now I don't claim to be an expert at water dynamics, but in the ocean, animals often gather at edges of sharp declines in water depths to take advantage of the nutrients brought up which attract smaller bait fish all the way to large predators.

The idea that the creature is an ancient form of prehistoric whale seems silly as well, I've heard this theory. Again, the species of ancient whale existed well before the latest Ice Age and after everything melted, why would it leave the nutrient rich oceans to go up the Columbia River then follow another river up to lake Okanagan and become land locked? They would have to go up in sufficient breeding populations, we do know that Lake Okanagan does have a better food supply than Loch Ness, the main failing of the possibility of Nessie. But reading the descriptions of the Lake Okanagan monster, it does remind me of at least a for sure Columbia River inhabitant, the giant White Sturgeon. It has been known to grow these lengths quoted as well as the diameter. It's a very prehistoric fish, with cartilage instead of bone, like the sharks. They are actually probably older than the shark as they are a jawless fish. And if some of you have seen these fishing shows where they have went White Sturgeon fishing in the Columbia, you could see how this could be mistaken for a monster.

The specimen they found on a dive turned out to be a decaying common salmon species, which in it's form of decay, did look quite strange. But it goes to show that we can see things in normal things because we want to believe so much. There were also holes in the bottom silt, one of the species named in the list of fish in Lake Okanagan was the burbot, or ling cod, as well eelpout in some areas. This is a strange looking fish that looks like it's fish at the front, eel at the back. They dwell in deep, cold water, they are known as sluggish swimmers but voracious predators. They are also slow growing, taking about 7 years to mature, I don't know if they make hiding holes, not much is known about them as they avoid warm water, spawn under the ice in shallower water, but as summer comes along, retreat to the depths. Canada does hold the record for the largest burbot caught at 42+ inches, 3 1/2 feet. Do they make depressions in the silt and ambush prey? I don't know, but they are active nocturnal feeders even coming to the surface if the water is cold. I can't really explain the depressions in the silt. But something sure took off when the low frequency noise was played. Something hiding in one of the holes annoyed at the sound and appearance of the diver? I really don't know. These would be good questions for an icthyologist, boy I hope I spelled that right, or fish expert.

Is there something different in Lake Okanagan? Time will tell I guess. There is adequate food for a small population. I don't remember the guide mentioning sturgeon in the lake, but smaller species of sturgeon are likely, not sure about the White Sturgeon, it may need a different type of ecosystem like the flowing Columbia River to survive.

If Ogopogo does indeed exist, it will be a coup for the cryptozoologists, that's for sure! There are many places man hasn't explored, most of it under water. I do know that Ogopogo is a geniune tourist attraction, and that loss of it's potential existance would hurt the community. But sometimes it's strange, there's an unidentified possible creature, people want it proven that it DOESN'T exist, rather that proving that it DOES. Kind of the reverse of a court of law. "Until it's proven NOT real, It's real." Hmn. Not exactly the scientific process.

Well, as I go over this, it's a bit rambling...I do tend to do that. I will try to do an outline first next time. One other thing I've always though while on the topic of cryptozoology... I've read that we dream we are falling, to prevent us from falling out of primitive nests, like gorillas. If we have a collective subconscience, could bigfoot be distant memories of interaction with Giganthropithicus, hopefully spelled right, the large, walking primate of Asia? The legend did go into the Pacific Northwest as well as the Himalayas...bringing up the Pacific Northwest as that's the (or one) of the routes taken into the North American continent. Just a thought.

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April 15, 2009

Sorry late on this, been very busy, then ill...ugh.

Okay, on the new GhostHunters last week, the second part of the episode was as I thought, a whole bunch of nothing, but you can't expect to see paranormal activity at every place you go investigate. That's another thing that bothers me, a GhostHunters episode with all debunking (what happened to debunking? Still strong on GHI.) As well as I brought up before, I wonder how many people are calling them with kids "in danger or scared" usually the number one criteria of their investigations, those seem to have disappeared as well. The second part of the episode was indeed candlepin bowling, old machines making noise and the "EMF" hyper-sensitivity the explanation, oh yeah, and a breathing toilet! I guess I can count some debunking here.
Now, concerning Belcourt Castle, there was some unexplained activity according to their instruments...first being the heat source on/under the floor. Note that the FLIR device was set at 60 degrees white hot, 45 degrees black cold. Not much of a spectrum...15 degrees, their assertation that an animal (ie mouse) couldn't have been between the floorboards..kind of looked like a mouse moving around to me, and when it went under the door jamb to the next room, it disappeared, moving further away from the FLIR and also having the door as an extra shield to it's temperature. Most likely a mouse had it's nest there, was nice and warm, then Jason comes clumping along and of course it takes off, leaving a colder trail. With that close of a spectrum setting, it seems to me a couple of degrees meaning the difference between Red and Yellow, it's not far fetched to speculate a mouse. Just as it is to speculate a footprint.
Not much else happened except of course the eternal walking sounds. But as we cannot see where everyone is with a timestamp (not doctored of course), including crew, we cannot consider this evidence. Now, what happened to never investigating alone? Guys got chewed out for this, yet Jason shoos Grant out of the room to talk to the spirit alone. Now Grant is out of sight when the K2 meter goes off to "tell" Jason to get the heck out. Now wouldn't staying in there be provocation? One of their tactics? But I think Jason knew this guy, and felt their was a man to spirit connection there.
As for the rest of the show, I mentioned above, and at Belcourt, nothing really of consequence happened, except for a swinging chandelier, which was explained by the ladies upstairs (now I always thought that teams went in alone...hmn) but at least they fessed up to causing the ruckus.

One of the reruns was the good old first Eastern State Penitentiary episode, it was indeed funny to see the "Dude, Run!" again, and of course, to see these guys buy into the idea that what they saw was a spirit manifesting and Brian making a mockery of really showing how fast someone could move on that railing. You obviously see a leg, shoe and arm under that veil, I say veil, not black blanket. A veil would have the same effect (and you see this same thing in a later rerun where the guy is desperately hoping nothing supernatural is there, but yet a veiled person, you see the separation of the legs as he walks out a few steps and back), and why do these ghosts always go halfway out, then back? Is this in the Ghost Union book, as well as duck walking behind pool tables in your veil making sure NOT to go past the end, which would of course show the silliness of a duck-walking ghost. If these are residual haunts, what would they care? If they are intelligent, what would they care? This ghost pattern on GhostHunters has me baffled, that's more of a mystery than the ghosts. If they are going to show themselves, why not the full monty?

Naturally, Jason and Grant are pressured to come up with something on each episode. But ghost hunting doesn't work like that, many times you come up empty handed before actually having something significant happen. Yet these guys come up with something in every episode. That's got to be a record. But yet again, we have to remember it's the Science-Fiction channel. At least A&E, now doing Paranormal State, has the disclaimer at the beginning of the show. So I guess this means, hey watch this show with the same belief as "Dead Like Me" and "Battlestar Galactica".

Anyway, the boys investigate a museum/aquarium holding some of the relics of the Titanic, now I'm one of those guys that believe the tomb shouldn't have been messed with, but with the chance of the almighty dollsr supposedly in a safe..I'm glad it turned out like Al Capone's vault. This should have been declared off-limits and a mounument. Oh well. Even with public outrage, it was done anyway, yes, it's one thing to find it and film it...but to dig around in it...that was too much. It's just plain desecrating a grave site. If there is supernatural activity at this place, I could see why they were disturbed.

I will try to comment on one of the last Paranormal State's I saw, later, as well as Ghost Hunters, sooner this time I hope! Ah, I also just got a cheaper HDTV just a 720p but it's nice so far and I hope I can glean more details out of these shows. I missed the last Most Haunted because of that...figuring out all those dang wires. But then, what was I really missing, just more rock throwing. Although that mist was intriguing the week before last.

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April 8, 2009

Well, A New Ghost Hunters Episode Tonight

Tonight, Jay and Grant and the rest of the TAPS crew check out Belcourt Castle, located in Newport, Rhode Island, in a two-part show. This usually means they don't see much, despite all the hype put on the ads. They also check out a Somerville, Mass. bowling alley, described as old-time. I wonder if it's one of those candlepin type bowling alleys, if I remember right, that's what they are called and popular in the Northeast US. I will end up watching it tomorrow as my disability usually puts me to sleep fairly early. I will try to comment on this episode then.

Also, as usual, there are a bunch of repeat episodes tonight with the new show sandwiched between them. It can give some of the new audience a chance to catch up, I can't remember which episodes have been edited since their original airing, but I shall try to research and find out if i have the energy and time.

Also a new episode of UFO Hunters on the History Channel tonight as well, looking into Alien underwater bases, for those interested in UFO's. With the distance between the stars and Einstein's theory of Relativity saying you cannot go faster than the speed of light, I find it a little hard to believe in UFO's. No doubt people are seeing something, there are too many credible witnesses to say they are all hoaxes. Classified military activity maybe, I don't know on this one. But another theory is tectonic activity, which as an example, may produce phenomenon akin to lightning in a thunderstorm, but on a geological level. This theory is very tough to explain, but sightings near volcanoes may be a result of this.

And also on paranormal Wednesday, a couple of repeat MonsterQuest episodes are on tonight on the History Channel as well, exploring the possiblility that the Loch Ness Monster DID exist, but has died...as well as maybe the possibility a form of Megalodon (The giant prehistoric shark similiar to the Great White, but much larger, may still exist). MonsterQuest can be interesting at times, at one time having an episode about the Humbolt Squid in the waters of the Sea of Cortez (between Baja California and the Mexican mainland, these squid ARE quite aggressive and may be responsible for deaths of fishermen (Called the Red Devil by local fishermen). They can have mantles like 3 feet long along with a large sharp beak, and like the Giant and Colossal Squid, very sharp hooks lining their suckers, making escape very difficult. If you are checking out MonsterQuest re-runs, I would recommend this episode. At least I hope it was on MonsterQuest!

Anyway, happy viewing! And if you wish to watch all of these, I hope you have a dvr.

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April 7, 2009

Paranormal Television shows

Shows I find the most sincere: Concerning Ghosts
  1. Paranormal State
  2. Ghost Adventures
  3. Ghost Hunters International
  4. Ghost Hunters
  5. Most Haunted
  6. A Haunting

Okay, all statements made by me are just my opinion and you know what they say about those!
I find "Paranormal State" the most sincere, despite the use of a medium, I've noticed in later shows that Chip Coffey doesn't appear as much, I will go into my opinion about Mediums in another post, but the use of mediums in these paranormal ghost shows, I really think is a big mistake, especially when they come into a place and know data to a T, worst of these is the medium in Most Haunted. But back to the Paranormal State team, the do seem to go to cases (with the exception of the Mothman episode, but I guess they are entitled to a little fun). where it really is the home owner, not some famous "haunted place" that all the paranormal teams around the country know about. They go in, try to find the reason for the haunting, do local research on the home, and seem to care about the family in distress. You very seldom see emf detectors, FLIR devices (did see one intended to look for animals "Lady in White"), marbles or other strange gadgets. Since this is just the start of the blog, I need to keep full opinions to a minimum and spread them out, so others can comment.

Ghost Adventures, I like the idea of being locked in for 24 hours with a minimum of people around, no mediums except for one show in Florida, I believe. They have static cameras around the house, have caught interesting, controversial video, still being debated at this date! The infamous "Flying Brick". Their evp's aren't crystal clear like other shows, despite using a special microphone, try some strange experiments (Idaho State prison, the wierd television feed back trick, kind of like putting a microphone close to a speaker and getting the feedback, but using video with a camera recording a television screen to which it's connected. Strange, but I guess an honest attempt at a supposed way to record faces or ghosts, I doube we will see it again in season 2, which I've been told 20 episodes have been filmed. But I DO believe the "hand" shadow was just that, the investigator's shadow of his hand. An honest mistake? Who knows.

Ghost Hunters, what can I say, they've brough the ghost hunting television show phenomanon to the forefront of the paranormal shows. Bringing more ghost hunting shows to compete and ride the coat tails. They seemed very sincere at first "caring about the scared kids and individual homes", then came the tourist sites.....about every "haunted" location around the US competing to get on the show. And even sprouting a spin-off I forgot to mention "Ghost Hunters International" which I will now edit into the list, and yes, I do believe the International team more sincere than the US team, despite THEIR scaredy-cat medium/psychic Gavin Cromwell, who's more likely to run than poor Brian Harnois, the scapegoat/comic relief of Ghost Hunters in past seasons. But I kind of think of Ghost Hunters without Brian is like Gilliigan's Island without Gilligan. Awww, not really THAT bad. But once Ghost Hunters went to the big tourists sites and forgot about the average joe, which I think is really more interesting, it started going downhill.
Then the controversy, after the tourist sites, they were pressured to have something happen every episode is my theory, causing Grant to crack...and become very suspect in many people's eyes. From the alledged collar pull in the Halloween special 2008 to the Myrtle Plantation slave house Lamp Crawl. One viewer even brought up a very good point in a chair moving incident on a Coast Guard managed light house, Jay bringing his fishing equipment....I wonder what he was fishing for? Did he have a license? I didn't see any bait...sure there are lures, but I guess I would need a fisherman from that area and time frame to know if fishing was even an option at that time and what type of fish. The viewer pointed out it sure was a good way to bring fishing line to an investigation and like they say, hide things in plain sight. Anyway, you kind of get the picture. I like the show, watch it all the time, but after the Manson Episode FLIR video tampering (Seen by a VERY sharp-eyed viewer, and proven with Ghost Hunter's own video from the show, one version seen during the alledged incident and the change seen in the presentation to the client). As well as their "Open" forum. Where sincere questions asked in polite manners questioning different things, offering different explanations to happenings on the show, mysteriously disappear, make them very suspect these days, again, my opinion.

Most Haunted, a British paranormal show, which has suffered the same criticisms by the UK audience as much or more than the Ghost Hunters show has suffered here. These guys, well Gals and Guys as they are led by Yvette Fielding, the host of the show, a medium ( ), a Paranormal "Expert" who does seem to be pretty fair in reporting how video or sounds could be explained or that without video being seen from beginning to end, it cannot be considered evidence, this is Ciaran O'Keefe. I consider this program to be the least sincere television show on the paranormal. Although Ciaran O'Keefe does give objective reports at the end, the profound accuracy by their "medium" who has an uncanny ability to name people associated with the site they are at, of course people have to remember these psychics have to be told at one point where to go or meet to get to the site. Even if they are given a city, they still have the opportunity to use a laptop and satellite internet connection to look up the most likely haunted site in that area and then research historical happenings or ghost stories of the site(s). This is the problem, they cannot be blindfolded taken blindfolded all the way to the site which may be hundreds of miles away. It could be possible to take an American psychic, tell him to land at the Kansas City airport, THEN blindfold them, take them to St. Joseph, Missouri, walk he/she into the house, THEN take the blindfold off, making sure it's a site that's not famous and then see what they can pull out of the air.... I don't know if the amazing Kreskin (sp?) is still alive, but he had a lot of money put up for a psychic to prove their abilities, it has never been claimed. A little off the subject, but anyway... Also, these people can go into sites where other shows have been, like that Tuberculosis Sanitoriums (not sanitariums for the insane, the term of the time), that had the "Body Chute" which was explained on another program to actually be used more for pushing supplies (food, medicine, etc) up to care for the patients from a train station right below it, more than pushing all the bodies out. People I hear still disagree on the amount of people who actually died there...but it really could have been significant. But when other teams were there, there was no "poltergeist" activity, I swear, these people could go into the bathroom of a McDonald's and have a rock thrown at them. ;) You also could make a drinking game out of this show, drink whenever Yvette says "Astral Beings", an object is thrown at them, they say they hear something, and loop it, but still you hear nothing OR you hear the generic "whoooo" which of course sounds like one of the ladies off camera, then drink when Yvette says "Thank You, Sweetie" I could go on and on...but I won't

Hopefully, this will get more of an audience, I will post links to some of these shows sites and forums and you can decide for yourself on some things.

Goodnight for now, what is that noise in your closet? :))

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April 3, 2009

First Post...Why?

I suppose we all have a wonder about what is out there after we die. Maybe we have had experiences that make us wonder, what the heck was that? I have had such an experience, as an adolescent. I will maybe go into this later, it's a pretty short story, but I probably will.

But my main goal is to discuss my opinions about what's going on now with the paranormal parade that's going on our televisions lately. Some shows seem to be sincere, some outright silly in a way. Hopefully, we will have a good dialogue on our experiences, what we think about what we've seen on the latest television shows.

Let's see what this turns into, shall we?

Anyway, off we go, into the unknown or simple explanation.

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