A Blog devoted to questioning the paranormal as well as listening to other's opinions and experiences with the paranormal. Mostly will concentrate on ghosts and other entities, but may touch on crytozoology and other paranormal topics. Concerning FTC regs on compensation for banner ads, have made $0.00 and $1.59 on hold for Google Adsense ads, not a lawyer, can't afford one, so don't know what to put.


April 7, 2009

Paranormal Television shows

Shows I find the most sincere: Concerning Ghosts
  1. Paranormal State
  2. Ghost Adventures
  3. Ghost Hunters International
  4. Ghost Hunters
  5. Most Haunted
  6. A Haunting

Okay, all statements made by me are just my opinion and you know what they say about those!
I find "Paranormal State" the most sincere, despite the use of a medium, I've noticed in later shows that Chip Coffey doesn't appear as much, I will go into my opinion about Mediums in another post, but the use of mediums in these paranormal ghost shows, I really think is a big mistake, especially when they come into a place and know data to a T, worst of these is the medium in Most Haunted. But back to the Paranormal State team, the do seem to go to cases (with the exception of the Mothman episode, but I guess they are entitled to a little fun). where it really is the home owner, not some famous "haunted place" that all the paranormal teams around the country know about. They go in, try to find the reason for the haunting, do local research on the home, and seem to care about the family in distress. You very seldom see emf detectors, FLIR devices (did see one intended to look for animals "Lady in White"), marbles or other strange gadgets. Since this is just the start of the blog, I need to keep full opinions to a minimum and spread them out, so others can comment.

Ghost Adventures, I like the idea of being locked in for 24 hours with a minimum of people around, no mediums except for one show in Florida, I believe. They have static cameras around the house, have caught interesting, controversial video, still being debated at this date! The infamous "Flying Brick". Their evp's aren't crystal clear like other shows, despite using a special microphone, try some strange experiments (Idaho State prison, the wierd television feed back trick, kind of like putting a microphone close to a speaker and getting the feedback, but using video with a camera recording a television screen to which it's connected. Strange, but I guess an honest attempt at a supposed way to record faces or ghosts, I doube we will see it again in season 2, which I've been told 20 episodes have been filmed. But I DO believe the "hand" shadow was just that, the investigator's shadow of his hand. An honest mistake? Who knows.

Ghost Hunters, what can I say, they've brough the ghost hunting television show phenomanon to the forefront of the paranormal shows. Bringing more ghost hunting shows to compete and ride the coat tails. They seemed very sincere at first "caring about the scared kids and individual homes", then came the tourist sites.....about every "haunted" location around the US competing to get on the show. And even sprouting a spin-off I forgot to mention "Ghost Hunters International" which I will now edit into the list, and yes, I do believe the International team more sincere than the US team, despite THEIR scaredy-cat medium/psychic Gavin Cromwell, who's more likely to run than poor Brian Harnois, the scapegoat/comic relief of Ghost Hunters in past seasons. But I kind of think of Ghost Hunters without Brian is like Gilliigan's Island without Gilligan. Awww, not really THAT bad. But once Ghost Hunters went to the big tourists sites and forgot about the average joe, which I think is really more interesting, it started going downhill.
Then the controversy, after the tourist sites, they were pressured to have something happen every episode is my theory, causing Grant to crack...and become very suspect in many people's eyes. From the alledged collar pull in the Halloween special 2008 to the Myrtle Plantation slave house Lamp Crawl. One viewer even brought up a very good point in a chair moving incident on a Coast Guard managed light house, Jay bringing his fishing equipment....I wonder what he was fishing for? Did he have a license? I didn't see any bait...sure there are lures, but I guess I would need a fisherman from that area and time frame to know if fishing was even an option at that time and what type of fish. The viewer pointed out it sure was a good way to bring fishing line to an investigation and like they say, hide things in plain sight. Anyway, you kind of get the picture. I like the show, watch it all the time, but after the Manson Episode FLIR video tampering (Seen by a VERY sharp-eyed viewer, and proven with Ghost Hunter's own video from the show, one version seen during the alledged incident and the change seen in the presentation to the client). As well as their "Open" forum. Where sincere questions asked in polite manners questioning different things, offering different explanations to happenings on the show, mysteriously disappear, make them very suspect these days, again, my opinion.

Most Haunted, a British paranormal show, which has suffered the same criticisms by the UK audience as much or more than the Ghost Hunters show has suffered here. These guys, well Gals and Guys as they are led by Yvette Fielding, the host of the show, a medium ( ), a Paranormal "Expert" who does seem to be pretty fair in reporting how video or sounds could be explained or that without video being seen from beginning to end, it cannot be considered evidence, this is Ciaran O'Keefe. I consider this program to be the least sincere television show on the paranormal. Although Ciaran O'Keefe does give objective reports at the end, the profound accuracy by their "medium" who has an uncanny ability to name people associated with the site they are at, of course people have to remember these psychics have to be told at one point where to go or meet to get to the site. Even if they are given a city, they still have the opportunity to use a laptop and satellite internet connection to look up the most likely haunted site in that area and then research historical happenings or ghost stories of the site(s). This is the problem, they cannot be blindfolded taken blindfolded all the way to the site which may be hundreds of miles away. It could be possible to take an American psychic, tell him to land at the Kansas City airport, THEN blindfold them, take them to St. Joseph, Missouri, walk he/she into the house, THEN take the blindfold off, making sure it's a site that's not famous and then see what they can pull out of the air.... I don't know if the amazing Kreskin (sp?) is still alive, but he had a lot of money put up for a psychic to prove their abilities, it has never been claimed. A little off the subject, but anyway... Also, these people can go into sites where other shows have been, like that Tuberculosis Sanitoriums (not sanitariums for the insane, the term of the time), that had the "Body Chute" which was explained on another program to actually be used more for pushing supplies (food, medicine, etc) up to care for the patients from a train station right below it, more than pushing all the bodies out. People I hear still disagree on the amount of people who actually died there...but it really could have been significant. But when other teams were there, there was no "poltergeist" activity, I swear, these people could go into the bathroom of a McDonald's and have a rock thrown at them. ;) You also could make a drinking game out of this show, drink whenever Yvette says "Astral Beings", an object is thrown at them, they say they hear something, and loop it, but still you hear nothing OR you hear the generic "whoooo" which of course sounds like one of the ladies off camera, then drink when Yvette says "Thank You, Sweetie" I could go on and on...but I won't

Hopefully, this will get more of an audience, I will post links to some of these shows sites and forums and you can decide for yourself on some things.

Goodnight for now, what is that noise in your closet? :))

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