A Blog devoted to questioning the paranormal as well as listening to other's opinions and experiences with the paranormal. Mostly will concentrate on ghosts and other entities, but may touch on crytozoology and other paranormal topics. Concerning FTC regs on compensation for banner ads, have made $0.00 and $1.59 on hold for Google Adsense ads, not a lawyer, can't afford one, so don't know what to put.


April 24, 2009

Psychic Kids/ Children of the Paranormal, Child exploitation?

To be honest, I haven't seen but about 30-35 minutes of this show. There were 3 children, who all had problems at night seeing things or maybe seeing things, who really knows, but the children? Are they getting caught up in the hype of being on a television show? Some are actually terrified, crying and really afraid when psychic Chip Coffey tries to get them to face their fears. Boy, this guy is everywhere, now I see why he isn't on Paranormal State lately.
If I were the Paranormal State Organization, I would really distance myself from this show. The children may be just seeing things, like we probably all did if we were afraid of the dark, like a coat hanging on the back of a door turns into some sort of scary looking being that causes us to go under the covers.

But if they are sensitive, at this age is it really appropriate to put them through conditions where the other kids can cause hysteria among the group? The episode I saw was called "Night Terrors". When the kids are taken to the ghost town then at night turned loose, to check the place out, by themselves, the oldest being maybe 11 with a little girl around 7 or so, when they approach a rock one sees something, then the others just get scared, the little one starts crying and is totally scared out of her wits, then an older boy says he sees a "dead man" all heck breaks loose.
(Note: after reviewing the 40 minutes I saw of this episode, the kids were 9 and 8 and 8, THERE was a clinical psychologist there, but NOT with the kids when they needed it the most).
After seeing another episode with a 12 and 14 year old, more appropriate to understand what's going on I would think, this is when I found out there was a clinical psychologist available. All the parent's claim they think that the Social System will take their kids away from them if they took them to get checked out, there are many things that cause hallucinations, not necessarily psychological, but medical, I don't know, this show some how doesn't sit right with me, someone is getting paid and I don't think it's the kids.)

The parents and Chip come to the rescue, Chip saying he will take them back out there and go with them, of course they don't want to, until the boy steps forward, remember, he's probably the oldest, the others follow along with their parents. I don't know, this show just hits me in the wrong spot, like they've taken paranormal to the extreme. You have the Ghost Hunters, who, when they were investigating houses and had kids on the top of their list, even now, I don't think they would drag these youngsters into such a place. I had noticed the title of the show being on before, but thought it was like that show about the Russian Teen who could diagnose illnesses just by looking at people with her "X-Ray" eyes. So didn't pay the show any mind. If I had know it was like this, I would have commented earlier, I had just put it on the dvr after it had started before I went to sleep. Is this something we should put children through? Even if they have psychic abilities?

And now, it seems Grant and Jay are more interested in shamelessly advertising their Inn they bought (Guess no more plumbing? All from Ghost Hunter earnings?, oh I imagine until the show ends that Roto-Rooter will have their ad in the show where Kris or someone calls right when they are finishing up, lol!) I mean the went whole hog on this one, calling in the Ghost Hunters International team to check it out. Naturally, there was thumping and evp's and even a claim of a full body apparition (why don't we ever see those on camera?) I'm sure now, when the renovations are complete, which could be any time as there was snow at the time, that the opening night will be packed. Oh, one thing I noticed, again, they always claim to be alone, except for the camera crew when investigating, in the Crescent Hotel episode, there were a couple of people in another room that they caught on FLIR, not mentioned until it's seen during review "if you had only watched 20 more seconds of the video" Steve says. At least they didn't edit it out, but it does show how much contamination happens during their investigations, I wouldn't be surprised it was one of these guys who walked out into a hallway or something, not sure on the episode, did a jig, then later peeked around the corner to see if anyone was around. I can't believe they even put this up as paranormal... Getting carried away here, I guess I just am getting more "numbed" by what these people are doing to make a buck. Scaring kids, sheesh, can you go much more overboard? (back to the main topic). This isn't interesting television, this is just plain exploitation of these poor kids fears, if they are truly psychic, putting them on a television show instead of quiet therapy, just seems wrong. I can't believe that this show was thought up and actually produced. A real shame.

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